How to clear customs on UK Import movement at Calais and Dover
If you are importing via Calais / Dover route and you need fast and reliable customs broker to clear your customs, then we can help you. Here’s our step by step guide how you can do this with us.

We are based in Canterbury just miles away from busiest UK EU routes; Dover – Calais, Dover – Dunkerque and Folkstone.
Our team of dedicated and reliable customs clerks is here to help you with your exporting and importing needs in both UK and Europe. We provide one-stop shop solution being able to offer a full customs declaration service and can arrange all required paperwork for shipments going to and from Europe.
We like to keep our finger on the pulse constantly updating and adapting our customs department to new importing and exporting rules and methods to help save time and money directly for your benefit.
On the practical side of exporting and importing and getting all required information for your Customs Declarations to enable seamless and stress free Customs Clearance Customer Portal provides all relevant, interesting and easy to digest information and handy tools to help you.
Please have a look below to discover our process and full explanation of how to prepare for export and import shipments and customs clearance depending on your choice of Incoterms.
EU Seller (ie. Consignor or Exporter)
1/ Agree Incoterms with the buyer
2/ Raise Commercial Invoice
UK Buyer (ie. Consignee or Importer)
1/ You will need to arrange transport.
2/ You will need EU EORI number to submit EU Export Declaration.
3/ You will need Commercial Invoice from the seller.
4/ Send invoice + vehicle details to Salvatori to submit EU export declaration.
5/ Export paperwork can be collected from Customs at Calais Port East.
6/ Arrange UK Import Clearance – Salvatori can provide this please let us know if it’s required.
7/ If Salvatori is your agent for import in UK, you may need to pay any taxes or duties (if applicable);
* you can postpone the VAT if you are under Postponed Vat Accounting.
** you may be liable for duties, depending the goods type and origin.
EU Seller (ie. Consignor or Exporter)
1/ Agree Incoterms with the buyer
2/ Raise Commercial Invoice
3/ Send invoice + vehicle details to Salvatori to submit export declaration.
4/ Export paperwork can be collected from Customs at Calais Port East.
UK Buyer (ie. Consignee or Importer)
1/ You will need to arrange transport.
2/ If you have your own clearing agent in UK – let them know about incoming import
3/ If Salvatori is your agent for import at destination, please send us your Commercial Invoice from the seller to submit UK Import declaration.
4/ You may need to pay any taxes or duties (if applicable);
* you can postpone the VAT if you are under Postponed Vat Accounting.
** you may be liable for duties, depending the goods type and origin.
EU Seller (ie. Consignor or Exporter)
1/ Agree Incoterms with the buyer
2/ Raise Commercial Invoice
3/ You will need to arrange transport.
4/ Send invoice + vehicle details to Salvatori to submit export declaration.
5/ Export paperwork can be collected from Customs at Calais Port East.
UK Buyer (ie. Consignee or Importer)
1/ If you have your own clearing agent in UK – let them know about incoming import.
2/ If Salvatori is your agent for import at destination, please send us your Commercial Invoice from the seller to submit UK Import declaration.
3/ You may need to pay any taxes or duties (if applicable);
* you can postpone the VAT if you are under Postponed Vat Accounting.
** you may be liable for duties, depending the goods type and origin.
EU Seller (ie. Consignor or Exporter)
1/ Agree Incoterms with the buyer
2/ You will need GB established company with GB address, GB EORI + GB VAT
3/ Raise Commercial Invoice
4/ You will need to arrange transport.
5/ Send invoice + vehicle details to Salvatori to submit export + import declaration.
6/ Export paperwork can be collected from Customs at Calais Port East.
7/ You may need to pay any taxes or duties (if applicable);
* you can postpone the VAT if you are under Postponed Vat Accounting.
** you may be liable for duties, depending the goods type and origin.
UK Buyer (ie. Consignee or Importer)
1/ Agree Incoterms with the seller
2/ Pay for goods (inc. taxes)
3/ Receive delivery
1/ Export paperwork (EAD / DAU) can be collected from Customs at Calais Port East.
2/ Use MRN provided to book ferry/train.
3/ Submit safety and security declaration (your ferry company can do it for you).
4/ If coming under TAD go to Inland Border Facility – *subject to agreement. Salvatori must be informed failure to do so may result in not closing TAD.
5/ Ensure UK Import Declaration is pre-entered
6/ Go straight to delivery point.
For any inquires weather its UK/EU exporting or UK/EU importing please contact us and we will be happy to help.