How to clear customs on UK Export movement at Dover and Calais

Your shipment is moving via Calais / Dover route and you wonder how to clear customs? Here’s practical guide how you can do this with Salvatori.

Dover – Calais, Dover – Dunkerque and Folkstone – Calais are the busiest shipping lanes between UK and EU and our customs office is based in Canterbury just miles away from the action.

Our dedicated team of customs clerks can help you with your exporting and importing needs in both UK and Europe. We are one of the few that can offer a full customs declaration service and can arrange all required paperwork for shipments going to and from Europe.

Our customs department is keeping its finger on the pulse updating and adapting to new importing and exporting rules and methods to help save time and money directly for the client’s benefit.

When it comes to practical side of exporting and importing and getting all required information for your Customs Declarations to enable fast and stress free Customs Clearance our in house developed Customer Portal provides lots of relevant interesting and easy to digest information and handy tools to help you.  

Here’s our process and full explanation of how to prepare for export and import shipments and customs clerance depending on your choice of Incoterms.


1/ Use MRN (found on EAD – EX1) to book your ferry/train as well as Kent Access Permit
2/ Submit safety and security declaration (your ferry company can do it for you).
3/ If using T1 go to Inland Border Facility (quote your LRN number found on EAD – EX1 in order to receive original T1 from customs)
4/ Go to customs office at destination to close the transit and discharge T1.
*Salvatori can arrange clearance in Calais, in order to avoid T1 – subject to conditions – check with the Salvatori office.

For any inquires weather its UK/EU exporting or UK/EU importing please contact us and we will be happy to help.